More bugs!

The one in the third reich is not enough. I want more of them! MORE BUGS!

So yeah a friend told me the Bugatti didn't work ingame, crashed the game directly. At that point I realized I never saw that car ingame and never played it. Gave it a try and indeed it crashed. Same thing for the Sled. I tried and searched everything I could imagine. It was just an error in the GroovyFunkRefs... That error seems to be in the original game directly (I'm working on a pack uh so things could have been screwed up but no, apparently it was original) and that might explain why both the Sled and the Bugatti were set so that they never appeared ingame. Ofcourse maybe it's just in our version 'cause it seems a bit too big for an error (especially as these cars were previewed at that time etc.). Anyway, they work now... almost. The Sled still crashes the game now and then, especially loaded as an opponent. 2 other cars do the exact same thing : my ED101 and my Fleshovl. It seems to be a texture problem but it's almost nonsense. I can't seem to isolate the problem at all.

I had already noticed while making a cockpit picture that the game didn't seem to like some "arrangments" of pixels (in this case, I was trying to diffuse black pixels to soften an edge with a transparent area, it crashed the game all the time untill I removed these diffused parts). So is it the same problem ? I don't know! The Sled's textures are nothing detail-wise in comparison to ED101 or Fleshovl for example. Also the error is not systematic at all : the game can crash when you hit something with said car... or not! and the game can also crash if the car appears as an opponent... or not!! One could even see the three cars in a single race without crashing ! Nonsense damnit !

Anyway, I have an idea (ofcourse) but with all this nonsense I have few hopes.

In other news I'm working on a C1 Birdy (very lowpoly + pixelart textures), then will follow TTR's Wastemaro and his TDR convertions JAWS and THE BEAST. I'll probably turn the Hawk Mk3 into an Eagle Mk1.5 (as seen in one of the C2 artworks) after all that.

[EDIT] Even more nonsense! The Sled and Bugatti work on my other comp even though that GroovyFunkRefs error is still there !

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